term 2020 - 2022
Interesting Articles


Spine Society of Thailand (SST)

The orthopaedic treatment has been offered to patients in Thailand for a long time since the modern medicine was introduced by foreign doctors who came to Thailand in a group of missionaries. Later when Pathayakorn School, the first medical school of Thailand (was later changed to Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital) was set up in 1890, orthopaedics became one part of teaching in surgery. The first training on orthopaedic was conducted in 1948. At that time, those who got the training were house and senior house officer but later were changed to resident.

"Spine Society of Thailand"

The Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of Thailand (RCOST)

คณะกรรมการ SST


term: 2020 - 2022